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About Us

When most orchestras are taking a summer break, the Essex County Summer Players Orchestra fills the gap for both players and audience. Founded in 2001, we are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing opportunities for substantive music making during the summer months. Participants include a wide range of ages and abilities. We also have volunteer opportunities for those who can help with advertising, handing out programs, and other activities. Under the baton of Music Director and Conductor, Nate White, the orchestra pursues excellence in the performance of challenging and innovative programs of traditional and contemporary styles. We seek to include works by local composers and to engage local soloists.


Averaging 60 volunteer members, the orchestra rehearses from late June through July at Livingston High School. A concert, free of charge to the public, follows at the end of season, generally on a Sunday afternoon in early August.

(Click here to see the schedule of this season)

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